Hash Function Hash function is almost used in the information security phase, and also it is a transformation of a string of characters into a shorten fixed value or for a key. In hashing or in the hash function what we do is generate a hash value or a digest using the Message authentication code (MAC), and send that hash value with the message. Let's see how the hash function is working. As this picture describes Alice want to send a message to Bob. Alice make the message and using hash function she gets the message hash value and we call it as the message digest. Then that calculated message digest combines with the message and send it to Bob and send the hashing method too to the Bob. When Bob received the message recalculate the hash value (message digest) using the hash method sent by Alice. Now Bob also get a hash value and Bob can compare those two hash values (H1 and H2). If those hash values similar or almost similar Bob can recognize the message ...